Monday, January 25, 2010


Bigos is a traditional Polish dish, made from cabbage, meat, and mushrooms.
I never made one on my own. My mom makes it very nice.
Here in Turkey, it is hard to make it, because you can't find fresh pork meat easily.
So I made a Muslim bigos without pork meat and sausages :)

- cabbage
- chicken breast
- beef
- friesh mushrooms or dried mushrooms
- dried plums (pitted)
- allspice, bay leaves, pepper, salt, marjoram
- onions
- tomato paste
- butter (or olive oil)

Cut cabbage to small pices and put in the water, add the allspice and bay leaves. Start to boil the pot.
Fry the meat in butter, cut into cubes, add to cabbage.
Dice the onions, fry in oil, add it to the cabbage.
Clean the mushrooms and dice them. Add mushrooms and plums into the main pot.
Boil stew on simmer at the end of cooking, add the tomato paste, mix well, season to taste with salt and pepper and other herbs.

Mine tasted good as well, almost like Polish traditional one:)
To get the Polish porky taste of bigos, I put added some pork sausages to my portion:) I made some gnocci as side dish (bu simply boiling ready-made gnocci in water)

Bon appetit!

1 comment:

  1. Bardzo pomyslowo i smacznie wyglada, ale czy to jeszcze jest bigos? ;) Przypomina mi to historie bigosu wegetarianskiego :D Ale ja probowalam zrobic bigos w Niemczech i tez nie bylo to to, mimo ze mialam dostep do miesa i kielbasy. Po prostu sa one inaczej doprawione, kapusta kiszona zreszta tez i nie smakuje to tak jak w Polsce.
